The best advice I’ve ever heard,

That sages ever shared,

Was set out in two simple words

And they are “Be Prepared”


Put aside for rainy days

Plan with stricter stringency

Now matter what the data says

There’s gonna be contingency


The experts guessed that Delta

Was the second wave and final

But we see that wasn’t etched in stone

It was embossed on vinyl


Joe believed those experts

He took their tip and bet it

The virus would just fade away

And he would get the credit


What other explanation

(Since no expense was spared)

Could find us in this circumstance

With Joe so unprepared


Now medicines are rationed

And testing is a joke

Just like Obama’s website

The government is broke


Like droughty California

Where we have precipitation

But no one’s building reservoirs

Now, that’s not preparation


And if you go out driving

In the winter where it snows

Take some food and blankets

Or you’ll likely lose your toes


Hope your Tesla’s fully charged

That keeps the engine humming

Cause if you’re in Virginia

The government’s not coming


And that, friends, is my message

Clear and written large

Ah, for good old golden days

When Boy Scouts were in charge