Monthly Archives: May 2019

Swing Time

It seems to me, from world events The pendulum is swinging For European Unionists The fat lady is singing Dictatorship by bureaucrats Is hardly worth defending Its only hope are lunatics Who think the world is ending It’s hard to pledge allegiance To banners or bandana That fly above the clerks Who set the shape [...]

Memorial Day on Wilshire Blvd

The scouts arrive at 7 A simple ceremony Shorter than you expect it to be The flags are given out And each scout finds his line of stones   Press the flag into the ground Read out the name on the marker Salute   86 thousand times in the morning 86 thousand times  As if [...]

Silent Whistle

On the back of every comic book In years when I was rash Were some items kids could order If we only had the cash Boomerangs and wacky baseballs Send a buck and make your choice X-ray specs to see through people And a way to throw your voice Onion gum and whoopee cushions Gags [...]

Bernie Sanders, Revolution, Deodorant, and the National Health

Socialism’s advocates Think everyone should share It’s all for one and one for all Like Monsieur Dumas, pere   Capital is moribund It’s bilious and obese Coughing like a character By Monsieur Dumas, fils   “Liberte” is left behind “Egalite” they shout If everyone can’t have it Then we all must do without   The [...]

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