For fifty weeks so far this year

Through days both bright and tearful

We’ve tended to our duties

Though we all, at times, were fearful


We tried to read the tea leaves

And to do our best surmising

And yet each headline brought some news

We all might call surprising


We tuned in every morning

To find out what someone said

With just an ounce of hopefulness

And twenty cups of dread


We’ve handled every challenge

That upset the ways we’re working

By doing things for safety

Since we know the wolf is lurking


And though we’ve had some setbacks

We won’t give up the fight

Because we hear the message

When we listen in the night


For to a needy people

In a time the world was broken

“Fear not” became the greeting

And the first, by angels, spoken


And though, unlike those shepherds

We are not in fields, abiding

If we’re calm and willing

We can hear the joyful tiding


Unto us and all the world

A Savior has been granted

The seeds of peace and sinlessness

Have by, our God, been planted


Rejoice ye humble shepherds

And ye Kings of Persia too

The message of salvation rings

For every one of you


So, if what else you’re hearing

Leaves your heart and soul in tatters

Embrace that angel greeting

It’s the only news that matters