Monthly Archives: March 2021

Extremism and Moderation

Should there come a future momentAnd that day will be resplendentWhen the leaders and the notionsOf the Right Wing are ascendantI think they should take a lessonIn the paths they’ll be pursuingBy the tactics and the actionsThat the Left Wing folks are doingThey pass a giant billAnd though the inks not even dryThey move on [...]

There are no Coincidences

I doubt the world has ever seen A place so fair, a land so green A people with more wholesome hearts Who till the earth and love the arts   And I defy you not to smile When you behold the Emerald Isle   Perhaps this notion may seem quaint But I believe their patron [...]

First They Came for the Poets

When you grow up, oh you can be a mariner who sails the sea Or you could be, if hard you try, a pilot who gets planes to fly A spelunker who goes in caves, a barber who gives people shaves A coroner who drives a hearse, a bureaucrat who makes things worse Yes, you [...]

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