Back before the dawn of science

Mankind saw through different prisms

Attempting then to understand

Recurrent cataclysms


They cast their eyes to heaven

And they figured out the odds

Hoping for a method

To appease their God or gods


They knew that life was fragile

And they felt how weak the flesh is

Which they sung in songs of shamans

Or in tales like Gilgamesh’s


We thought that we were punished

And subject to God’s wrath

When some sacred indiscretion

Put us in the cyclone’s path


Then by diligent experiment

And careful observation

Our spirits were enlightened

And we made the affirmation


That it wasn’t God but nature

Forming how the typhoon spins

And a torrent was unholy

But not punishment for sins


Flash forward to flash flooding

Or to heatwaves and to droughts

Is it science or religion

That you hear behind the shouts?


If we’d only spent more money

If we’d only passed that bill

If we’d just placate the planet

There would be no heat or chill


So go erect and altar

Pen some prayers and learn them

Bring your rights as offerings

But for heaven’s sake, don’t burn them


The motive may be different

But the message is the same

If you didn’t buy a Tesla

Then, my friend, you are to blame