My poem is Obamacare

But how shall I begin it?

After just a dozen years

We finally know what’s in it


I didn’t keep my doctor and

I didn’t keep my plan

My premiums are twice as high

Obama, you’re the man


We really ought to celebrate

The fullness of the fleecing

Beyond what my insurance costs

My copays keep increasing


We haven’t even reckoned with

The things they say it cured

All across America

There still are uninsured


The fat are getting fatter

The sick are getting sicker

It seems that the consensus is

The old are dying quicker


Fraudsters are still frauding

And still the cheaters cheat

The doctors that I’ve spoken to

Say things I can’t repeat


They walk around with laptops

To show they’re in compliance

And fear to write prescriptions

Lest it signal some defiance


There may not be those panels

But the government has minions

Making sure that doctors

Don’t have medical opinions


And I don’t give a farthing

For what some people say

But it isn’t really science

If you only must “obey”


So, let’s all pop a champagne cork

And set the country buzzin’

Twelve years of Obamacare

And what a dirty dozen