I often watch in wonder
Or else listen in despair
As platitudes and nonsense
Are repeated on the air
I’ve finally understood
That’s what manipulators do
As if by repetition
They can make their rubbish true
The planet’s got a fever
We incessantly were told
Until they changed their tune
And said the earth had caught a cold
I may be misremembering
Not very long ago
When the Boston Globe was warning us
We’d seen the end of snow
And now to my amazement
A candidate just said
Unless we outlaw fossil fuels
Quite soon, we’ll all be dead
I’d shout my disapproval
But I thought it wise to spare you
No one wants to hear an angry poet
Scream “How dare you!”
It seems to me if you aspire
To serve your home and nation
You ought to put aside this kind
Of gross exaggeration
The livelihoods we all enjoy
Are based on oil and gas
Repeating how you’ll change things
Won’t make it come to pass
You say we can do anything
This country sets its mind to
But there are inconvenient truths
Your guarantees are blind to
This kind of empty promise
Shows the gentleman’s a phony
The man with no malarkey’s
Got a bad case of baloney.