As Democrats in Congress
Persist in tempting fate
I ask myself repeatedly
Where is the debate?

Your caucus is in trouble
Enthusiasm’s fading
Show us all you talent at
Informing and persuading

The bill is a monstrosity
No matter how you spin in
And though I’ve paid attention
I still don’t know what’s in it

What bridges will be reinforced
What roadways will be paved
Whose lives will be affected
What industries are saved

I’d like a few specifics
And tell us what they mean
Please let us know the target price
You see for gasoline

The income tax is raised, I know
On those with Jags, not Chevys
But there are other taxes
That this legislation levies

Where will this affect me
Why won’t people say
I know the cost is zero
But how much will I pay

And while the Congress squabbles
About IRS amounts
There won’t be any dollars left
In any bank accounts.

The Nightly News is silent
The media just snoozes
I want to know the facts
Not just who wins or loses

So Congresspeople-take your time
You’re surely going to need it
And promise us, before you vote
For pity’s sake please read it