You say the world is in a mess?

I chalk it up to joylessness


All we do is fret and worry

We’re in a funk or in a hurry


We have our needs but no ones giving

We cling to life but not to living


We count on some to stem the rout

Only to find they’ve opted out


The leading lights of their professions

Seem crippled by profound depressions


I’ve been to many varied places

But never seen such brooding faces


But there’s a way that I have found

To turn uneasiness around


I disregard those crying “nay”

My psyche isn’t built that way


If someone seems to bring on gloom

I send them to another room


So don’t retreat into you hovel

Host a show or write a novel


Give yourself a fighting chance

Ask someone you love to dance


And if nobody wants to play

You go on dancing anyway


Then, when you’ve whipped the highland fling

Find a song you like and sing


I don’t sing well.  I say that proudly

That’s why I’m fond of singing loudly


Embrace the dreams that you pursue

The way to joy begins with you


And when you have that joyful feeling

Our country can, at last, start healing