His hair is awful messy
His skin is awfully thin
If I could make a wager
I’d say he won’t get in

Gadzooks and glorioski!
I guess I had it wrong
But based on that announcement
I predict he won’t last long

Oh sure, the early polling
Has got him at the top
But by this time next Thursday
You’ll see those numbers drop

Alright, I was mistaken
But friends, it’s only June
We’ve seen a hundred candidates
Who launch and peak too soon

And now he’s really done it
Disparaging a hero
When polls come out tomorrow
His number will be zero

Hello and stop the presses
His lead has gotten bigger
I really can’t explain it
Remarkable. Go fig’r

He doesn’t have the programs
The temperament or tone
He said things about Megan
We won’t stand for or condone

So friends, the guy’s finito
I’m certain this is it
He’s cracked another threshold?
Did Krauthammer just spit?

When asked a tricky question
While cruising on his yacht
He didn’t have an answer
And called “you know who” a “what”?

He may not be a genius
He may be wound too tightly
But folks who put up buildings
Should not be taken lightly

And now we’re making pledges
And hearing fresh excuses
Oh, please don’t make me think about
Know Nothings or Bull Mooses

The guys a force of nature
A wrecking ball, a smarty
If Republicans aren’t careful
They’ll, at best, be a third party