I was told once by a wise man
Thus, of course, it must be true
That on any given issue
There are several points of view

So I always keep an open mind
And try to do my best
To explore my way of thinking
And be open to the rest

While at peace with my core values, I
On more than one occasion
Have adjusted an opinion
And been open to persuasion

And I think my fellow citizens
No matter how they voted
Would agree with that position
And on that, I may be quoted

So we tuned in for the marching
Since no football teams were playing
In the hope we’’d be enlightened
And to hear what they were saying

Well, I listened to their speeches
And I’m starting to believe
That they don’t want to convince us
No, they just want us to leave

It was hard to pay attention
As I spent the whole time staring
At the costumes they were sporting
And the hats that they were wearing

Well, Home Ec is off their syllabus
So I suppose it’s fitting
That the women who were marching
Should be so inept at knitting

You would think with all the education
Cleverness and shrewdness
They would pick a better tactic
Than a base and vulgar crudeness

For I think it is the height
Of self-defeating asininity
To proclaim your feminism
By destroying femininity.