In Simon Gray’s play “Otherwise Engaged” the lead character, Hench, is confronted by a man named Bernard Wood.  The echo of Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane in Macbeth leaves the protagonist uneasy.  When I heard who was leading forces in Libya, I had the same feeling.

From the Washington Post 2/16/15

In the fracturing of the country since the removal of Gadhafi, Egypt has backed more-secular forces aligned with former Libyan general Khalifa Hifter, who launched his own offensive against Islamist militants in the eastern city of Benghazi last spring.

From Nostradamus

Beasts wild with hunger shall cross the rivers:

Most of the fighting shall be close by the Hister

It shall result in the great one being dragged in an iron cage,

While the German shall be watching over the infant Rhine