It’s said when you hear hoofbeats
Be ye Capricorns or Libras
It’s more likely you’ll see horses
Than it’s likely you’ll see zebras
If you ask yourself the question:
“Why’s that woman in a wimple?”
It’s quite likely she’s a nun
Cause that answer’s the most simple
It’s unlikely that she plays a nun
Or thinks a wimple’s cute
Or only donned the wimple cause
She couldn’t find her suit
The easy explanation
Is the one that seems most clear
She’s not wearing the wimple
Cause she’s posing for Vermeer
So when you find a virus
That you’ve never seen before
And the place in which you found it
Has a virus lab next door
You can search for explanations
You can pose a hundred theories
Posit hypotheticals
Or launch a thousand queries
You can muster all the experts
And the folks who think they’re wise
Hire movie writers
To concoct a load of lies
But it doesn’t change the chances
Based on all the latest stats
If you hear a rustling of wings
It’s more likely birds than bats
So when you hear those experts
Give yourselves a breather
Don’t believe the things they say
Cause its likely they don’t either