Everyone has failings
That we all ought to address
But it’s hard to make those changes
If you think you’re a success
For who would make adjustments
If your stars are all in line?
I see the splinter in your eye
But not the mote in mine
Our President’s aggressive stances
Brought him to the top
Don’t talk about his tweeting
Cause he’s just not gonna stop
Biden, facing charges of
Behaving un-genteelly
Has acknowledged to his critics
That he’s just too touchy-feely
He says he reaches out to folks
To help them with their coping
It’s his way of connecting--
Though you might call it groping
He wants to show his empathy
That someone understands
To let them know, “I hear you.”
“I just listen with my hands.”
He sees the world is changing
It’s much different than it was
He’s told us that he gets it
And from time to time, he does
Believe me, fellow travelers
This is not an easy fix
Can a tiger change his striping?
Can an old dog learn new tricks?
The Speaker of the House has told us
That it’s not a snub
It you treat the folks you meet
As members of the “Straight Arm Club”
All of us have choices
Just like Nancy (or like Sophie)
So, when you meet Joe Biden
Make like the Heisman Trophy