This country, I’m afraid to say
Is in for an adventure
Because we’ve picked, as leader,
A perennial back-bencher
A man despite his long career
That history might miss
Who, thrust into the limelight
Is inclined to say, “Watch this!”
I wouldn’t say I’m a Freudian
But I don’t think it’s shocking
That someone looks for payback
Who’s been subject to much mocking
That’s why I’m sad and fearful
That our path is paved to Hades
By a man who’s been a punchline
Since the early 1980s
Who wants to grace the textbooks
As a great progressive hero
I’m sure he’ll be remembered
The way Rome remembers Nero
He’ll scorch the earth
Prevaricate, dissemble, and deceive
Do what it takes because he wants
A legacy to leave
I don’t believe we’ve ever had
A man in this position
Driven in his doings by
Such singular ambition
Who said he was a centrist
When speaking to the nation
But doesn’t have a modicum (or two)
Of moderation
A man who asked the voters
Between his campaign naps
“Do I look like a socialist?”
The answer is, “Perhaps.”

The best defense against such folks
Who want to be the star
Is hoping when they reach
They go and reach too far