The Constitution mandates

It’s not open to debate

That the President tell Congress

How he views the nation’s state


With midterms in November

And every place in play

I find myself imagining

What Joe is going to say


Madam Speaker, in my leadership

I never have relented

So much about the year gone by

Has been unprecedented


Some have called Afghanistan

A national disaster

But show me any conflict

Where a country got out faster


I can say with clarity

And very little spin

Inflation is undoubtedly

The best it’s ever been


We’ve crashed through every obstacle

And overleaped each hurdle

And yesterday, all by myself

I won a game of WORDLE


Let’s look at every tax and fee

Then go ahead and hike it

The situation at the border’s

Just the way I like it


And speaking, friends of borders

I want you all to know

I’m the only one who challenged

Putin toe-to toe


If Vladimir advances

We’ll impose a quarantine

And when he gets to PARIS

Sanctions like you’ve never seen.


So, remember in the mid-terms

(It’s the best of all my quotes)

More important than the voters

Are the ones who count the votes