My first poem of the year

And so I think that it’s essential

To offer an opinion

On a matter, consequential

Opining on the question,

“Is the POTUS presidential?”

A most familiar name has jumped into

This boiling pot

Of worthy politicians

Who all say, “Well, maybe not.”

I voted for Mitt Romney

I’m proud to let you know it

I fantasized if he had won

I’d be the nation’s poet

I couldn’t wait until the date

To see debate begin

I knew, with grace and principal

That Mitt was gonna win

But when he wrote off half the voters

Baby, how I grieved it

Not because he said it

Because the man believed it

And when they tallied ballots

The gentleman had lost

I never got to match my verse

With that of Robert Frost

Some say the current President

Says things that make us wince

But Trump believes there’s no one

The Donald can’t convince

And though Mitt spoke unkindly

Of the POTUS when he ran

Trump gave him his endorsement

As only Donald can

Now it seems the Senator’s

Assumed a new position

As leader, in the party

Of the loyal opposition

I don’t know much of anything

But I can tell you brother

Some day in the future

They’re going to need each other

From this renewed arrangement

What lesson can we take?

These times confirm that politics

Doth strange bedfellows make u