Of Christmas celebrations
I’m such a big supporter
But this year’s Christmas season
Is just a wee bit shorter
No, progressive leaders
Didn’t vote to change the date
It’s just that by the calendar
Thanksgiving came so late
And even though, with Christmas ads
Since May we’ve all been showered
The season doesn’t really start
Till Turkeys are devoured
Because I saw this coming
My plan was calm and sober
I sent my gifts to friends back east
The first week in October
I wrote some happy verses
(which is common with us bards)
Copied them and sent them out
With scores of Christmas cards
I got my festive albums down
Since Halloween I’ve played them
I thought about my Grandma’s pies
And how, with love, she made them
Of how my dear Aunt Tilly
And my beautiful Aunt Kate
Prepared their Christmas cookies
(Those ladies sure were great)
I’ve checked my list routinely
So what I need’s been got
I also count my blessings
Cause there sure are quite a lot
But since the season’s six days short
Those kettles have been light
Salvation Army gifts are down
And friends, that don’t seem right
So here’s a way you can extend
Your Christmas celebration
Click the link and if you can
Please double your donation