Nobody wants to be the one
Who missed the signs or sold the gun
Who, while out fiddling or drumming
Didn’t see the iceberg coming
Who thinking it would be a lark
Removed the cover from the Ark
Who seeking lands both near and hinter
Moved on Moscow in the winter
The pundit crying, “Back to work!”
Who dies and looks like such a jerk
Like Icarus who flew too high
Nobody wants to be that guy
That’s why it’s said, without a doubt
The safest course is hiding out
We’ll work from home and close the town
Wear our masks and hunker down
But when the stakes are so immense
Inaction has a consequence
There’s nothing like this status quo
It’s everyone’s first rodeo
If we can’t move with some impunity
We’ll never get to herd immunity
And so, before things grow too gruesome
Hear me out dear Gavin Newsome
I know you want to be a hero
But this toll won’t reset to zero
Regardless of what you deploy
Or all the business you destroy
Remember that, in all this fuss
The State has bills to pay, like us
Be mindful, as you make us crash
Unlike the Feds, you can’t print cash.
So, take your plan and do an edit
Give us Californians credit
We’re prudent, cautious, sage and prayerful
Trust us, we’ll be very careful
Keep locking down and face these facts
There won’t be nothing left to tax