Each time that horrors happen

The horrors are compounded

By anger and by rancor

That leave us so astounded


A tragedy’s reported

And before the day’s completed

We hear the things we’ve heard before

Repeated and repeated


We hang our heads in sorrow

As we hang our heads in shame

We really should be focusing

On comfort and not blame


But leftists and the rightists

And some others I’m not naming

Have only this in common—

Their capacity for blaming


A hurricane is blamed

Upon the car that you’ve been driving

Your thermostat’s the reason

For some species not surviving


And if this trend’s not broken

And no ideas are exchanged

The cycle will continue

And nothing will be changed


So pray a little longer

And when you finish praying

Tell the folks in charge

That it’s high time that they stop playing


We know that there are strategies

To shield those that we love

So let’s make an agenda

And do all of the above


It pains us to acknowledge

That we’ve all been here before

And we really, really, really

Do not want this anymore