The greatest thing
That one can do
Is make a friend
Both good and true

A partner that in triumph
Will smile and help you share it
A presence in the face of grief
To hug and help you bear it

So from my heart
I tell you brother
Make one friend–
Then make another

In fact, when times are trying
A good book recommends
To keep you moving forward
You should have a hundred friends

And many days
Are tough, indeed
When all at once
A friend’s in need

Then suddenly a family
The hand of grace extends
And what was once a hundred
Soon becomes a thousand friends

And though the pain
Is sharp and searing
These unknown friends
They keep appearing

And though I’m just a poet
I know how to spot the trends
Oh yes, before you know it
You have found 2000 friends

And in a way
Beyond all knowing
This friendship thing
It keeps on growing

We’re not all cold and selfish
In the way the world pretends
For when you really need us
You can find 3000 friends

So why stop at 3000?
Why not head on right past four
Just smile and say, I need you
And there’ll be one thousand more