After every scandal

Committees are created

Witnesses are questioned and

The evidence, debated


Conclusions are determined

At least, in part, in theory

Dependent on the answer

To but one essential query


I’m going to ask that question

Though I know that I’ll regret it

What did Joe forget

And when did he forget it?


His memory is faulty

And at best quite unreliable

Thus everything he says

Is plausibly deniable


Abandoning positions

Is what politicians do

He drops what he believed in

And he hopes that you will too


I think he spoke precisely

Not befuddled or demented

When he said that this surrender

Was, indeed, unprecedented


We’ve never had a day like this

A week, a month, a year

It’s quite a fitting capstone

To his wonderful career


We know it’s a disaster

From this spot where we’re all sittin’

So Joe’s legacy will have to wait

Till history’s re-written


A project by the New York Times

Predicably will find

No evidence of suffering

By those we left behind