May plan to save the country
Is approaching its fruition
The one that I began with my
Anonymous submission

I felt a higher calling
To speak up and take a stand
Although, I must admit
Things didn’t go as I had planned

Some have even questioned
My intent and my credentials
And so I’d like to share with you
Just one or two essentials

I heard John Kerry speaking
At some Ivy League symposia
I drank in all his wisdom
Just as if it were ambrosia

I was leaked the secret transcripts
Of her speech to Goldman Sachs
If Hillary were POTUS
I could go home and relax

My confidential briefings are
Completely free from fetter
I can’t say what I know
But I know that I know better

But my memos to the Donald
Only seemed to leave him bored
And my singular opinions were
Consistently ignored

Such a circumstance demands
Immediate correction
I simply couldn’t wait
Until we hold the next election

I’m just a humble servant
Not a hero, not a traitor
But when I’ve saved the country
Well, you all can thank me later

I’ll sign my name tomorrow
If I hear the call again
And if that gets me fired
I’ll go work for CNN