I should have moved to Florida

I should have grabbed my Lexus

Loaded it with all my stuff

And hauled my ACT to Texas


I think back to a week ago

When hearts were filled with buoyance

That Leftists, just like government

Would be a mere annoyance


When we could get on with our lives

Our working and our wooing

Without the need to daily fear

What Washington was doing


No radical agenda

Would widely be embraced

No rights would be assaulted

And no monuments defaced


That’s the world I wanted

That’s the best environment

Where I could get on with my golf

My writing and retirement


But now I have to say my prayers

At least for two years more

That God will guide our country

Past a stumble into war


I can deal with prices

I’m used to buying less

But weakness in the White House

Can make this world a mess


It’s easy to accept a loss

If danger was detected

But harder to absorb it

When it’s not what you expected


For some folks that I know of

Losing’s in their plans

That’s how folks in Cleveland cope

Unlike most Yankee fans


I know that pendulums swing back

I know that trends are tidal

But I didn’t think my country men

Were quite this suicidal