In order to determine your
Election Day decision
Candidates should clarify
The future they envision
We voted once for Hope and Change
And brother, we got plenty
I need to see specifics
In November 2020
I’ve searched their plans and platforms
In a scary exploration
And I can see the future
Through precise extrapolation
It’s sure to be much dif’rent
Than the day when you were born
No planes are in the friendly skies
No cows are in the corn
So no one makes a slip up
On the use of “him” and “her”
Folks will all wear badges
With the pronouns they prefer
The government will show you
That what you know is wrong
With your rights as well protected
As the people’s in Hong Kong
A world devoid of humor
Where everyone is mirthless
Where colleges are free
But your degree is worthless
New cases of the measles
Ebola and the pox
Where everyone has health care
But there aren’t any docs
No matter who the Democrats
Choose for their standard bearer
Your taxes will be higher
But, trust me, they’ll be fairer
This all will be delivered
For your pleasure and enjoyment
And you’ll finally be protected
From the scourge of full employment