I like to think

My spirit’s peerless

If danger came

I would be fearless

Should need arise

I’d have the tools

To rush toward trouble

Just like fools

To douse the flames

Or plug the leak

To lift the lame

Or shield the meek

To spot the need

Or see the goal

To steel my soul

And shout, “Let’s roll!”

But now I see

I’ve made mistakes

I just don’t have the stuff

It takes

The world, it seems

Has new restrictions

That fight against

My old convictions

My proof for this belief is that

I lack the guts…to wear a hat

I’d wear my Ranger jersey strolling through the Boston Garden

My Jeter shirt to Fenway and I wouldn’t say, “Beg your pardon.”

Frenchmen don their yellow vests

To stand and face the foe

But I don’t have the fortitude

To wear a red chapeau

And so my claim to valor

Is foolish, in review

For I can’t do the simple things

That even schoolboys do

Should the moment call me, Lord, some courage, give me

And for my boundless cowardice, friends, oh please forgive me.