In recent days, there’s been, I fear
A reign of mass confusion
About what makes conspiracy
Far dif’rent from collusion

It doesn’t take a law degree
Or scads of erudition
For anyone who’s interested
To find the definition

No, you won’t need a Nobel Prize
A crown or Stanley Cup
Just your Funk and Wagnalls
In which to look it up

Conspiracy is easy
And obliging to my rhyme
Two or more plan jointly
Toward commission of a crime

And even if you fail to act
Or one of you drops out
All of you are guilty
And that goes without a doubt

Collusion comes from Latin words
Connected by a tether
Which when translated, roughly,
Have the meaning “play together”

Now how can anybody think
Such playfulness is wrong?
And doesn’t Jim Acosta say
We all should get along?

Oh, I’ll admit a bit more need
Of disambiguation
For when we hear “colluding”
There’s a darker connotation

Yes, in the implication
There are things you’d like to hide
Like alien encounters or
The date when worlds collide

Oh, so much to us is hidden
And it could be dark and gory
But I agree with Rudy
It’s just not statutory