Monthly Archives: February 2015

Rules from Radicals

I woke up in the morning And I felt like eggs Laid by California chickens Who can stretch their legs Eggs sold in California Now are more expensive ‘Cause chicken regulations here Are more extensive And if I want to scramble here or poach or fry here There’s restrictions on the kind of eggs that [...]

Those Colored Glasses

Poets have a duty As this poet’s often said To see the world around them From inside another’s head   To question all assumptions And to challenge every truth Which helps us do that duty Which, you know, is saying sooth   And I attempt each Friday At the close of Hillsdale’s hour To practice [...]

Nostradamus Strikes Again

In Simon Gray’s play “Otherwise Engaged” the lead character, Hench, is confronted by a man named Bernard Wood.  The echo of Birnam Wood coming to Dunsinane in Macbeth leaves the protagonist uneasy.  When I heard who was leading forces in Libya, I had the same feeling. From the Washington Post 2/16/15 In the fracturing of [...]

The More You Know

I’ve always been so grateful To the folks at NBC They’ve done the best they can To make a better man of me They told me to eat vegetables And how to raise my kids With strategies to help avoid The plague and AIDS and SIDS They told me not to bully And what exercise [...]

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