According to John Kerry
The spokesman for our nation
Obstacles and challenges
Face every generation

In 1861
We struggled with a moral truth
Our Civil War claimed scores of souls
The flower of our youth

Five decades of a century
Saw blood enough to span it
A battle with a cult of death
That sought to rule a planet

But now the crisis of our time
Past pestilence or war
Was when, says John Forbes Kerry
Brits elected to withdraw

Unprecedented failure
A disaster, a calamity
A vote that will forever be
Remembered with imfamity

Where once we set our sails for France
With Cruisers and Destroyers
Today we’re bound for Brussels
With a level load of lawyers

They’ll wage a mighty struggle
And issue a decrement
And fight to the last drop of ink
To forge a trade agreement

They’ll save us from the brink
He says, as each dispatch is read us
The brink of global melt down
Which is where, if fact, they led us

For never since the IRS
Told us what we could do
Ever have so many owed
So much to oh, so few

So give the man his mission
And trust he’ll do it right
It’s not like we have lives to save
Or terrorists to fight