
I’ve always been so grateful
To the folks at NBC
They’ve done the best they can
To make a better man of me

They told me to eat vegetables
And how to raise my kids
With strategies to help avoid
The plague and AIDS and SIDS

They told me not to bully And what exercise to try To think before I texted And what pick-up truck to buy They said, about opinions None are better, none are worse Provided that my own Were all sufficiently diverse I listened to them faithfully And did what they were urgin’ Including, by example, How to pick a plastic surgeon You just can’t watch those promos Without notice or acknowledgin’ That what these folks are expert in Are Botox, tucks, and collagen The Emmys and the Peabody They put up on their shelves Proves that they’re correct— In how they feel about themselves Those know-it-alls at NBC They’re really awful nice And so I think it’s my turn now To offer good advice Here’s a little lesson I think all of them should try The truth, in every circumstance, Is better than a lie Please add that to the archive ‘Cause it’s clear, the more you know The healthier your life will be… Your friend, Tarzana Joe