All across my lovely state
I feel the fires burning
The tinder’s dry and eager
The wind is mad and turning

What was green and reaching high
Is on the ground and grey
The air itself is witness
From a hundred miles away

The fire knows no battle lines
No boundaries or borders
It leaves towns that it passes through
Like wreckage from marauders

Chaos stalks the countryside
And Fire is his daughter
Reveling in damage done
By walls of flame or water

And though disasters wrought by both
Seem equally as dire
People rush to help with flood
But run like hell from fire

We choose to raise our buildings
Well along on nature’s path
Knowing in the wild
We’re exposed to nature’s wrath

The climate may be changing
Quite so or maybe not
I only know for certain that
Today it’s very hot

This global Armageddon is our fault
Some people shout
Before we get to placing blame
Let’s put the fire out

All across the country
I sense a growing fire
And while we rail and wrangle
The flames are growing higher

Let’s fight the common challenges
Where circumstances place us
And try to work together
To meet the beasts that face us